含有紐西蘭的生物活性鹿茸和綠邊青口的Dr. Buzby's Encore Mobility不但美味可咀嚼﹐而且幫助改善關節的活動性﹐更有效增強愛犬的體力和活力。每樽含90粒咀嚼片
全天然的Encore Mobility™不僅幫助髖關節等的關節活動能力﹐還有助老年犬和患有關節痛等問題的狗狗煥發生機﹐ 幫助減少因活動帶來的不適﹐並恢復活力。
鹿茸已在中醫藥廣泛應用了2000多年,用作減輕炎症和增強免疫系統。鹿茸在快速生長階段時期收穫,其中包含生長因子,包括IGF-1( 類胰島素生長因子 ),是一種天然激素,可刺激身體大多數細胞(包括肌肉,軟骨,骨骼,神經和皮膚)的生長。
眾所周知,鹿茸為人類帶來很多好處,亦有研究發現,狗、貓、馬和其他動物也能獲得同樣的益處。 鹿茸的益處包括:
Encore Mobility含有生物活性鹿茸和綠邊青口的全天然關鍵成分, 以協同作用為您的愛犬發揮最大的益處。
由於骨關節炎或退化性關節疾病是由關節軟骨日漸退化和周遭組織發炎而引致﹐因此每次活動時也會感到疼痛。每日服食含有適當劑量的葡萄糖胺和軟骨素Encore Mobility可以幫助刺激關節軟骨的修復。
1至12公斤- 每日1粒
12至23公斤- 每日2粒
23公斤以上- 每日3粒
建議飯前20-30分鐘進食,有利吸收和生體利用率(bioavailability)。 Encore Mobility是美味可口而且可咀嚼的片劑,狗狗十分樂意當作零食食用!
每樽Encore Mobility共90粒,一樽足夠供超過23公斤的狗狗1個月食用。
"I have not seen any limping; he seems happier at home and on his walks- people keep saying how much younger he looks. We notice it at home- he seems to be smiling more for sure." ----Jasper is a 9 year old, Labradoodle who has hip osteoarthritis causing stiffness and limping
"After weeks of taking Encore Mobility, I do not see obvious limping, and Toffee seems more confident when walking (more stable). People can't notice that Toffee had an injury before. I would recommend this product to other old dogs, because most senior dogs are not willing to move. This supplement is good for their joints and they will be more active after taking this supplement!" ----Toffee is a 10 year old, miniature poodle who had surgery for a cruciate ligament tear in her knee
"I notice visible improvement on Nana, especially when she gets up" ----Nana is a 10 year old Labrador Retriever and a retired guide dog who has early osteoarthritis/ DJD affecting her hip joints
"Looking pretty schmick!" ----Ralph is a 14 year old, Cockapoo who had surgery for a cruciate ligament rupture in his knee 3 years ago
"After 10 days, he seems more active and more willing to walk. We notice that it is easier for him to get up from lying down and positioning himself, instead of struggling like before. Generally he is happier and more lively!" ----Toggi is a 16-year-old Shetland Sheepdog mixed, who is slowing down due to degenerative joint disease
"After 2 weeks of Encore Mobility, Bella seems more affectionate and a little more playful. Have not seen that for a long time." ----Bella is a 12 year old Golden Retriever who has severe osteoarthritis on both hips
"After 2 weeks of Encore Mobility, Chloe seems to be walking quite well, with her body held higher. She now is able to go to the front garden by herself to go to the toilet and then make her way back inside. " ----Chloe is an over 15 year old Cocker Spaniel who had surgery for a cruciate ligament tear in her left knee and degenerative joint disease at her right shoulder
"After 4 weeks of Encore Mobility, he sometimes wants to play. If a toy around, will pick it up and looks hopeful! In the past he only did this when he had visitors." ----Jai Jai is a 15 year old Golden Retriever who has weakness over both his front and hind legs.
"After 4 weeks of Encore Mobility, Pau Pau is much more vocal and attention seeking. She barks and doing little leaps and skips on the way to the toilet. This jumping about we have not seen before." ----Pau Pau is an over 12 year old Golden Retriever who previously had a total hip replacement on left and has chronic osteoarthritis on the right hip
Wally is doing great & they all love the mobility support. Can easily give them 1/2 hour before food as a sort of treat 😊
Kiwi seems to move better after taking Encore!
Mickey is able to walk longer after taking Encore
HK$ 8880
HK$ 2880
HK$ 350
HK$ 1140
HK$ 450
HK$ 400
HK$ 500
HK$ 1580
HK$ 2550