For example, if a dog has painful hips, they will try to avoid using their hips and hindlegs when possible- so they will often pull themselves into a standing position with their front legs. This overloads the triceps muscles at the back of the forelimb, the pectoral muscles and the attachments behind the scapula, where they attach to the body. In these cases we often find pain in these areas and need to treat this as well as the primary condition.
補償性問題是當動物感到疼痛的部位偏離了主要痛源。 例如,如果一隻狗的臀部疼痛,他會盡可能避免使用臀部和後腿並經常用自己的前腿將自己拉到站立位置。 這會使前肢後部的三頭肌,胸肌以及肩胛骨後面肌肉僵硬繃緊。 在這些情況我們也需要對此進行治療以舒緩痛楚。
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