For mobility, bones and muscles work together to form a lever and create movement. Muscles attached to the bones at these rough points, often via tendons. Ligaments attach bone to bone to help create a joint. The bone ends in the joint are lined with cartilage which helps them to glide over each other easily, making the movement smooth and pain free.
骨頭組成的骨架是動物肌肉骨骼系統的主要結構。 有些骨頭是保護性的 - 就像頭骨和肋骨籠一樣。而其他骨頭則用於活動,就像腿骨一樣。 骨骼和肌肉組成的結構能利用槓桿原理以做出動作。連接肌肉和骨頭的稱為肌腱,多數附著在這些粗糙的部位上。 而連接骨頭與骨頭的則稱為韌帶,有些更幫助形成關節。 關節內的骨骼頂端的軟骨幫助滑動,使動作順暢無痛。
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