既然您的寵物已經深愛Silver+ Contour銀離子太空記憶棉寵物床,不如再加添上一張備用床套!不同的寵物花紋及顏色,必定有愛寵喜愛的款式!**本產品與Silver+ Contour 銀離子太空記憶棉寵物床一起使用最為有效
Silver-ion Antibacterial Bed Cover is made of COOLMAX fabric which is soft, breathable and easy to wash. Coated with Silver-ions (Ag+), which limit bacterial growth and reduce odours. Ideal for pets with skin allergy or dermatitis.
Small - 50 x 30cm
Medium - 80 x 50cm
Large - 110 x 70cm
HK$ 840
HK$ 740
HK$ 285
HK$ 1140
HK$ 1350
HK$ 400
HK$ 175