

Stance Analyser

Stance Analyser

The Companion Animal Stance Analyzer can help diagnose lameness in dogs of any size, breed or weight by giving an objective measurement of how a pet is shifting their weight to avoid pain.

It quantifies your dog’s weight distribution through each leg to provide an accurate reading and removes the guesswork involved. The stance analyser is great for pets with degenerative disorders, osteoarthritis, muscle strains, partial cruciate tears, hip dysplasia and post-surgery (orthopaedic and neurological). All your pet needs to do is to stand on the mat with their paws in the right quadrant in order to get a reading.

The readings provided by the stance analyser help to identify problem areas as part of the physiotherapy consultation and at Paws in Motion we can monitor your pets ongoing therapy and response. This is a fast, simple and non-invasive way to monitor your pet’s stance.

Paws in Motion also offers this service to any dog who would like a baseline measurement, whether it’s for your senior pet or your active dog. This can be used as comparison for future use, whether you dog has an injury later or is one of our exercise programmes. 

Due to Stance Analyzer size and weight, this equipment is available at our clinic consultations only.