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"C" - Compensatory problems (補償性問題)

"C" - Compensatory problems (補償性問題)

補償性問題是當動物感到疼痛的部位偏離了主要痛源。 例如,如果一隻狗的臀部疼痛,他會盡可能避免使用臀部和後腿並經常用自己的前腿將自己拉到站立位置。 這會使前肢後部的三頭肌,胸肌以及肩胛骨後面肌肉僵硬繃緊。 在這些情況我們也需要對此進行治療以舒緩痛楚。
"B" - Bones (骨骼)

"B" - Bones (骨骼)

骨頭組成的骨架是動物肌肉骨骼系統的主要結構。 有些骨頭是保護性的 - 就像頭骨和肋骨籠一樣。而其他骨頭則用於活動,就像腿骨一樣。 骨骼和肌肉組成的結構能利用槓桿原理以做出動作。連接肌肉和骨頭的稱為肌腱,多數附著在這些粗糙的部位上。 而連接骨頭與骨頭的則稱為韌帶,有些更幫助形成關節。 關節內的骨骼頂端的軟骨幫助滑動,使動作順暢無痛。
"A" - Assessment (評估)

"A" - Assessment (評估)

評估是物理治療的第一步。 評估首先包括分析站立,行走和坐下時的能力。 我們稱之為步態分析。然後我們需要評估整個肌肉骨骼系統 - 包括骨骼,關節,肌肉,肌腱和韌帶。最後再評估神經系統。這有助於我們作出準確的診斷並制定治療計劃。

All grip, no slip!! Non-slip toe grips give your dog traction to stop slipping on floors.

RVN Irena chats about Dr Buzby’s Toe grips and how some traction with these grippy little suckers can change your senior, arthritic or special needs dog’s quality of life!

‘Puppy Power Pants’- Why I love the Help ‘Em Up harness!

Dr Jane explains why a little support can go a long way in helping senior or recovering pets to improve their mobility and comfort.

Pampering the Pooches and Pussies- why pet massage is awesome.

Tired and aching humans have used massage to relax and heal bodies since ancient times. Now we have evolved veterinary medicine to include massage therapy, and our four-legged friends are panting at the prospect!

5 easy ways to help your old pet with pain at home

If your pet’s discomfort is age-related aches and pains, try these five simple soothing techniques at home to provide a greater level of comfort.

Stages of osteoarthritis and conservative management

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease, which means that it gets progressively worse. How advanced is osteoarthritis in your dog, cat or rabbit? Your pet’s stage of arthritis will determine the steps you can take to alleviate their pain.

Is my pet in pain?

Our pets are not furry humans- they use their own, non-vocal ways to communicate pain. Read on for some tips for recognising pain in your pets

Stifle Braces - an alternative to surgery

When surgery is not possible, Paws in Motion can help in the treatment of painful Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) tears with the fitment of a uniquely created stifle orthoses (dog knee braces) to provide support and stability.

Why maintaining a healthy body weight is so important for your pet in helping with Osteoarthritis.

Research shows that 1 in 5 dogs will suffer from the painful condition of Osteoarthritis by the time they reach middle-age!

Trail running – keeping you and your doggy fit!

With the arrival of cooler weather in Hong Kong, there isn’t a better time to introduce your dog to trail running. Not only will YOU benefit from the exercise with improved health, fitness and energy levels, but so will your dog.